Monday, August 4, 2008

I believe

That kor is a good person inherently... Even though he's sometimes really evil to me. He's a good person and a great kor.

That people are, in general, all either backstabbers, spiritbreakers, or slave owners. Especially hostel.

That sometimes friends are more trouble than their worth. Still, it saddens me alot.

That you can never be too busy for a friend. In more ways than one, this applies alot to my life.

That some people ought to be shot. And spat upon. And put away and ignored. Japooooon!

That up to now, I'm still not happy. No one can listen, no one can understand, and the person who can do all that is not with me.

That I was a fool to leave Temasek. Baka... If you have everything going for you, don't give it up.

In standing up to what is correct and right. I don't care what they say, what they do or what they tell you to do, but if it's not fair and just and has no reason to be complied with, I don't think you should do it if you don't want to. So there.

That I am not enjoying this school. At all.

That I am losing friends. Too many, too fast. I don't believe this; I know it. And no matter what others say, I know it's true, and it's happening, and not the way most people think.

That I owe no debts to the people whom I block, dao, or hate. I've already paid my debts, in full.

That I am severely depressed. I'm actually thinking of killing myself, then thinking that I'm being stupid. It's weird seeing myself so detached.

That I should be going to sleep right now. It's past midnight, and my arm hurts. Good night.

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