Tuesday, January 13, 2009

P.E. tomorrow!!!

I'm packing for tomorrow's P.E lesson. I think P.E is fun, except for running...

Needa pack so many things, and I don't have a nice shoe bag to pack it all in... Sian la. I asked someone to kope a bag from somewhere but apparently not showing... lol.

Packing's always a difficult thing to do since hostel. Now I gotta bring towel, clothes, socks, etc... Luckily don't need soap cause johno dug up some from somewhere. It has those little stony bits inside it that sort of disappear after awhile. It's super cool la! XD.

He says it's for like rubbing off dead skin or something. Kind a weird way to do it right? I thought it would be some sort of massage thing. Expensive soap, that.

I just had a thought about the soap; maybe that's how they get skinless chicken!!! They just rub it on the chicken and then when the stones disappear then you get skinless chicken! So easy la. Cool right...

THINGS TO BUY: shoe bag o.O

I want one of the carabina thingies from the ODAC booth!! I didn't get to kope them on the Friday cause of the Astro meeting. I didn't guess it would drag that long la. Actually lucky, we had food to eat afterwards. Nice food somemore, though it was abit weird. Like the chicken was dry but i guess that's because it's been left out so long. And the dessert was some weird cold dish of fruits and something like mayo. But it was still nice, and the bread was just so simple and good, with egg and cheese. I didn't care for the egg though, I don't really like hard-boiled egg, it makes my stomach rather weird if I eat alot of it. Still, for free food, it was REALLY GREAT!! I wonder if they'll serve more of this kind of buffet at the yr 6 Parents session thingie. I hope so... XD

There's P.E tomorrow; YH and Lenny's the P.E. rep for the entire year. Or so. I hope we don't do so much training, there's already PT for ODAC on Monday and outings to canoe or rock-climb or stuff like that on Friday. And I have to come back for astro too. So it's like so much training liao, if Wednesday also got training = die. I'll start getting aches that will not go away forever...

It's so tiring to travel here and there everyday, next time I'll like rent a room for my son if he ever gets into NUS High... After I tell him everything about the school and send him to a whole board of psychiatrists.

OH, there's the focus group thing coming up somewhere in April. Our last time to complain to them le. LOL. I still remember Mr Ng sending us to go do the first ever focus group discussion thing. Just because me and YH can apparently talk nonsense. Then send us to go for it. Then added Bao. Or something like that la. Super hilarious man...

I hope the Punngai trip gets through. And I hope the ODAC people can make it too, it'll be super fun. Though I need to confirm the Astro side first. And find out how many we can send. *wonders when the info will come in.* And I kinda hope nothing changes so much in ODAC. So many people are joining and stuff la, I think it's not going to be very fun le. At least we'll be doing canoeing. FINALLY!! I have a strange feeling I'm not going to be very good in it already, I've wasted away in the so many years since the last time I canoed... I can't seem to be totally good in everything la. I don't care much about the academic stuff; I'm never going to be good in those kinds of things anyways. But canoeing, going out and doing stuff, astro, physio or even normal stuff... I can't seem to be like really good in just one thing. Dancing, singing, whatever... like I'm just not good in anything. Since coming to this school, I can't even have fun properly. There's always no one to go out and be crazy with me, everyone always wants to play com or rock-climb or do something structured... Like only reiko could just go out and slack around and still make it fun, or stay at home and anyhow whack songs to sing and stuff.

Sometimes I feel like I don't even belong here much. I mean, modules like physio or IR are nice to do, and if I never came here I wouldn't have done so much astro or even outdoor stuff. But the point is like everyone here seems to be OK with just rock-climbing or com playing or LAN gaming or doing homework or... that's it I guess. I don't know... Sometimes I just feel like everyone here has forgotten how fun it is to just sit down together and sing a song or poke each other, or even watch people play on the PS or XBOX or something... I remember we used to have fun just going to someone's house and reading a book. We screwed up the stories or the words or the expressions in the book, and we had an even better time than going out or "getting a hobby". We used to go crazy trying to dance to songs that'll we'll play, and we used to think that "tuo diao" was the greatest chinese song in the world and that we should keep the volume down when we played it cause of parents outside... The guys just didn't care about anything anyone said, and we were so easy with each other and everyone else. We knew that what we said would stay with whoever heard it, and everyone could trust everyone else.

Now here, there's someone sniping at you at every other word you say, or spoiling things with blatant discriminatory things. It was never an issue back then I guess, and everyone here is so uptight about these things... I'm not talking about racist stuff cause 99.999% of the time it's all for fun; we're perfectly capable of laughing at jokes or slurs about ourselves and usually, that's how it starts anyways. Those aren't a problem. I guess things just don't seem so open with everyone else anymore.

Well... it's always weird how I get carried away like that and write until I suddenly look up and feel really tired and notice it's like 11pm... Time tends to bend weirdly around me. Hmm...

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