Friday, September 11, 2009

It is NOT funny… -.-

It has taken around 4 months, but this blog is finally dead enough for me to re-start blogging here. :D

Alot has happened in the 4 months I’ve been gone. The medical checkup is longggg gone, as I have been so brutally reminded when I checked up on this blog. Lenny has started this really funny blog too, at . I guess you have to know the context, but it IS kinda good…

We’ve also ran through the whole gamut of music major’s recitals. And they’re in Vienna right now actually. Coming back tomorrow, if everything goes as planned.

I’ve also lost alot of enthusiasm for school. Though that’s something that’s started since the beginning of this year… Probably because I’ve sort of lost interest in Astro, and lessons are spread out like those raindrops on the bus windows, so you don’t see as many of your friends as often as you’ll like to.

I’ve just received a comment that my music playlist is gay. Yes, some fat-ass disrupting my music to scroll through my current playlist just said so. I guess it’s a convincing argument, I just checked and every song on it’s sung by a guy. Seriously, I think it’s kinda weird, cause my playlist is TOTALLY random  -.- . I better add some Britney Spears and Pink inside though… You can’t listen to music very well if you have a 173cm imp trying to rap “it’s gay” into your ear.

On a more serious note, it’s the year where people actually turn 18! Which equates to the year where rich people start to learn driving! Which also means I get insanely jealous and wish I had more money… *kills learner drivers*

I wanted to go canoeing today. It started raining. Guess what happened next…

However, I instead had the bright idea of going to Orchard to walk aimlessly around. Seriously. What’s worse is that I actually went to do that. What’s even scarier is that I went to do that all alone. ALONE. With no one else! I was this desperate loner trawling the super wet streets alone, and I got splashed on by a bus! Like wet from waist to knee.

Theo is still wondering how the hell that happened.

I squished my way back home after a totally fruitless attempt to dry myself off in some random toilet at plaza sing, and I went to walk around my estate abit. When the rain stopped I was feeling lonely and unwanted and missing bits of my past, so I decided to find them (find the missing bits, you see? the missing bits of my past… yeah not very funny D:) by bussing to Temasek.

If there was anyone in the school compound, I must have freaked them out. I think the guard was ready to shoot me or something. There I was, standing there like some stalker at the school fence, trying to peer in and re-living the times I had there. I guess I stood there for at least 15 mins. Well, that’s not all. On some strange whim, which probably was some ghost subconsciously whispering to me I walked all the way home, re-living the past all the way. Basically I walked past Alain’s and Kela’s place, then cursed at the ChaiChee school building (in my mind, I’m not suicidal) for always tying up seats on the bus, then walked past Huiting’s place and bought chocolate from the minimart… Stuff like that. Well, I got caught up with “re-living” that I forgot I was actually living and almost got knocked down crossing the road near the Park Connector.

Guess what happened after that. Well the quick version is that I survived everything and went home, but that won’t do on a blog like this, right? Let’s number the events that happened after this, cause things happened really fast.

1. After jumping out of the way, I landed in a puddle. For the second time in a day, I got wet.

2. Stood there and cursed cause I had to wash my nice TEVA slippers again. Which was also MISTAKE 1.

Note: spending time in puddle = not smart. spending time in puddle at side of road crossing 10 metres from a bus stop = death sentence for clean clothes.

3. Bent down to wipe water droplets off my shins.

Note: Again, spending time in puddle = stupid.

4. Bus passed at high speed. I leave this to your imagination, but it suffices to say I got a literal faceful of water.


5. Stood there dripping wet. Wiped off water from glasses, cursed louder and stamped foot. Got even wetter.

I will never walk along a road after a rain again.

This wouldn’t have happened if it didn’t rain, cause I would have been happily canoeing. Therefore, I blame everything on the weather. Accursed weather…

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