Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I’m CANOOOOEING in the rain…

Johno and I went canoeing today. And it rained. And it was super tiring… Luckily there was no sun at all, so could canoe without feeling that fatigued.

Something someone said to me bears repeating here though.

It’s like losing them again and again everyday; every goodbye reminds you of that final goodbye, every ‘see you’ is a mockery of the reality that you will never see them again. You hope and you wish and you pray that you’ll stay best friends forever, but look, that’s not what happened to you. When you leave, you’re giving something up, and this is just part of the price you have to pay.

There’re alot of private mushy things added after this, so I can’t repeat them here, but essentially that’s the gist of the message.

I’m already hating school because of this.

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