But it's not fun at all... I should do an IR on the psychology of slacking or something. Might actually turn up something like with the hormones in the brains of slackers or something... hmm.
Anyways I have finished all exams, finished everything I have to do for SIMC, and I'm officially done with school. Thursday night is the night I'm going off, and with some luck maybe I'll die on the plane either there or back... Would be kind of exciting XD. Maybe kena hijacked, then I'll have an excuse to beat someone up and get rid of all the frustration...
It's veryvery boring here; everyone has something to do except me, and I'm just slacking in my room and wishing I could have something to do. I know exams are over and I should be like out and watching a movie or stuff, but somehow... There just isn't that spirit anymore. School doesn't give me the drive to go out and slack any longer.
I remember in Temasek, we would always go out to Tampinese mall or the Econ minimart after school. It was like school was this really long stressful time where we needed to "get away" from it all by going out to Mac's to waste time till 5 or 6pm. That's not the life I know here now. Everyone mugs so hard for their exams, for 2 months or more, then when finally everything is over (for me at least, there's still relativity exam for physics majors), we can't go out and just have fun at the park, or waste time at Mac's, or play card games in school under the constant threat or being caught, or having to play UNO instead when a teacher finally confiscates poker cards, or ponning school just to spend some time with your best friends... I think there's alot of things in there to cover in this post, as illustrated in there. But it all boils down to the fact that I've definitely lost a huge part of my life and definitely my childhood in coming to this school.
Firstly, we'll start with the 2 month++ exam period. Yup, 2 months and more, and for some of the cohort, still counting. I don't even know if the teachers have figured out that it's really stressful to have a 2 month exam period. It's not the studying, or the amount of sheer mugging you actually do, it's the feeling of having something creeping up on you, coming closer everytime, and that you have no power to stop or even slow down. It's the stress of having to live everyday knowing that there are more exams and more hurdles, and eventually more and more stress just waiting to pass you by. I know I may look really slack in school, (like I barely studied) but still, like I said, the stress comes not from studying but from knowing that you still have exams.
Maybe it's because of the AP exams. Maybe this is like, a once off kind of thing. Whatever it is, it's totally killing the whole level. We haven't had a true break after our exams, and they sign us all up for the Singapore International Mathematics Competition (SIMC). I just completed my jobs though, all I had to do was be a stationmaster in their stupid Amazing Race, and camp at Suntec City from 2pm to 7pm or so... That was all yesterday. Wasting time, as usual. Held multiple observatory tours yesterday and today morning. More wastage of time and energy. No one even turned up today. Stupid VIPs...
I'll rather be a student liaison officer... At least you get to do stuff with friends. Almost everyone in the cohort was in SLO... It's the job that you have to work the most, but I don't mind when we can do it with friends. Now I'm just alone in the hostel; once again, wasting time. And everyone says that I have it good. I say I'll trade my job up with anyone, and then you'll see how great it is.
We obviously have our lives sort of pinioned by the hostel program... Not only that, we all live so far from everyone else that it's so difficult to arrange many things. We can't go out much, we can barely have the time to go to the park and play. It's just not fun anymore. And everyone's like drifting away from each other because there's no way we have the energy or time to even hang out and just BE with each other. No one really cares anymore; I think Aaron's like angry with me or something, he barely talks anymore; wither that or he's just really tired and busy. And Johno and Conrad both have SLO stuff to do, together with the rest of the level... While I'm like stuck here. It's a totally nice life.
I remember part of the fun of post-exam period wasn't just the activities or the leeways that the teachers allowed us; we used to play card games after exams, and part of the fun was knowing that it was illegal and stuff, and hiding them away when teachers popped in or walked by. Now everything is kinda lax; card games have OFFICIALLY been allowed in the school canteen; which sort of takes the fun out of them. Maybe it's true, fun is usually dangerous... But likewise, in hostel rooms, we're allowed to play cards like anytime we like, and suddenly it's gotten quite boring to play cards. It's just something weird to take note of.
Mr Ng's leaving too. Great, right? So now we're left with Mr Toh as our mentor. He's our Chinese teacher! *faints*. That's going to be a really fun 1-and-a-half years ahead. Haizz
Anyways, even at night, no one really bothers to go hang out anymore. It's like the only time where everyone is free and stuff; but no one bothers to care. They all just stay in their rooms, which make me stay in MY room which makes life boring. I wonder what would happen if I died during the holidays. Would everyone wake up or something? Maybe they would finally realize how stupid they've been to mug and stress out until they forgot that studies aren't the only thing in life. Haizz.
There's no hope left for me; I'll survive the rest of this day, survive Rio Tinto tomorrow, then tomorrow night I'll be catching a plane to Melbourne. I wonder wheres Wool-longgong. Would be cool to check out the sheep there. And see if Dr Yong's really cool accent equally affects the rest of the Australian population. Well. We'll see. I guess. One more night to survive, and then hopefully all of this goes away. *goes back to staring at ceiling*